Attorney Portrait

How to Prove Workplace Sexual Harassment in California

Neither your sex nor your gender should dictate how you are treated at work or what job benefits you receive. If your employer treats you poorly because of your sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation, your employer could be liable for sexual harassment, and you might be entitled...

Attorney Portrait

How Long Do Whistleblower Protections Last in CA? 

Your employer has the authority to make many demands of you. However, your employer cannot command that you engage in unlawful behavior or tolerate the employer’s misconduct. Your job should not be at odds with the law.  Fortunately, federal and California whistleblower protection laws help ensure that workers have...

Attorney Portrait

Is It Sexual Harassment to Ask a Co-Worker on a Date?

If you spend a lot of time with someone, you have a good chance of taking a romantic interest in them. But what happens if the person who catches your attention is a co-worker? Is it sexual harassment to ask a co-worker on a date? It can be, but...

Attorney Portrait

How to Prove Age Discrimination in the Workplace

If you are qualified for a job and willing to work, why should your age affect your employment opportunities? The short answer is that your age should not be a factor in your professional opportunities, and age-based discrimination is illegal. Victims of age discrimination in California can seek financial...

Attorney Portrait

How to Avoid Age Discrimination When Applying for a Job

Although State and federal laws protect employees in California from age discrimination, discrimination remains common. If a former, current, or prospective employer mistreats you for being 40 years old or older, you could be entitled to remedies. But it is easier to avoid ageism than to seek legal relief...

Attorney Portrait

How to Prove Age Discrimination in Hiring Process

The AARP reports that 78% of older workers either saw or experienced age discrimination in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those same workers expressed interest in learning new skills and jobs yet were largely denied those opportunities or felt they experienced more roadblocks than their younger counterparts.  In...

Attorney Portrait

How to File an Age Discrimination Complaint in California

Age discrimination unfairly impacts many workers and those looking for work each year, and COVID-19 appears to have only worsened the problem. Victims of age discrimination may have a claim against their employer or against a business that did not hire them because of their age. Understanding how to...

Attorney Portrait

What Is Pay Secrecy?

We previously wrote about California’s Equal Pay Act, a powerful law written to solve the gender and racial pay gap in America, which remains a huge barrier to female and minority employees.  The wage gap is real. Women earn, on average, 82 cents for every dollar earned by men....

Attorney Portrait

Age Discrimination Among African American Workers

It has been over half a century since the federal government enacted legislation to protect employees and employment candidates from age-based and race-based discrimination. Although state and federal anti-discrimination laws provide robust protections and remedies for victims of biased treatment in the workplace, employment discrimination is still prevalent.  So,...

Attorney Portrait

What Is the Average Settlement for Whistleblower Retaliation in CA?

Some employers illegally take advantage of their positions of power over employees. You might see an employer abuse power by punishing workers who reveal an employer’s unlawful practices or refuse to participate in illegal activities at work. A business that takes adverse action against an employee who exposes or...