Attorney Portrait

How to File a Qui Tam Complaint

In a qui tam lawsuit, a private individual brings an action on the government’s behalf. The False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. §3729-3733) authorizes qui tam actions against parties who have defrauded the federal government. The whistleblower bringing the action, also called a relator, must inform the United States of...

Attorney Portrait

Is Catcalling Sexual Harassment?

Some people might think that catcalling (such as whistles, suggestive comments, and sexual advances) at their workplace is just an unpleasant part of their job that they have to endure. This is untrue. Some might be asking, is catcalling sexual harassment? The answer is yes in many circumstances.  If...

Attorney Portrait

Retaliation for a Complaint of Sexual Harassment

Experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace is already a traumatic ordeal. When employees decide to speak up and file a complaint, they hope that the company will respond in good conscience and stop the misconduct. Fear of retaliation for reporting sexual harassment can add another layer of stress and...

Attorney Portrait

How to Prove Age Discrimination in a Layoff in California

 Out of the blue, your boss emails you: your employer is terminating your position. Meanwhile, your younger colleagues—those with less experience and fewer achievements—are staying on. This isn’t just bad luck; it’s a reality for many workers over 40 in California, New York, Colorado, Texas, and nationwide. Fortunately, state...

Attorney Portrait

Understanding Verbal Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

You have the power to confront and overcome verbal sexual harassment, especially within professional settings. What is verbal sexual harassment in the workplace? Usually, this is synonymous with a “hostile work environment.” It refers to unwelcome and offensive comments or behaviors of a sexual nature that create a hostile...

Attorney Portrait

Can My Employer Fire Me While I’m Pregnant?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been wrongfully terminated while pregnant, we are here for you. Call our Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination attorneys today at 213-465-4802 to find out how we can help! Fired While Pregnant?...

Attorney Portrait

The 8 Most Common Forms of Workplace Discrimination

California and United States law protect employees from workplace activities that mistreat them based on the following: And even though discrimination in the workplace has been illegal for decades, it still happens. The only way to stop workplace discrimination is to speak up about these incidents, bring lawsuits, and...

Attorney Portrait

What Happens When You Run Out of FMLA Leave?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been denied sick leave or wrongfully terminated in violation of the paid sick leave laws, the FMLA, the CFRA, or other anti-discrimination laws, our attorneys are here to help. Call 213-465-4802 today!...

Attorney Portrait

What Is Indirect Sexual Harassment? 

You do not have to be the target of someone’s sexually discriminatory behavior to be a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment can be direct or indirect. If you believe you are the victim of harassment, you should consult with one of our top-tier attorneys at...

Attorney Portrait

What is the Difference Between Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation?

In conversation, people use the terms “discrimination,” “harassment,” and “retaliation” interchangeably to mean unfair and possibly illegal treatment at work. But each of these terms has a distinct legal meaning. If you’re talking to an employment lawyer, or even asserting your rights at work on your own, it is...

Attorney Portrait

Employer Holding onto Bonus: What Can an Employee Do?

Many people receive bonuses on top of receiving regular salaried or hourly compensation for work performed. Bonuses often make a significant difference in the amount earned in a year. They can help an employee put a down payment on a house, save for a child’s college education, or pay...

Attorney Portrait

What Are Point Systems for Work Attendance, and Are They Legal?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been discriminated against, retaliated against, denied your rightful wages, or wrongfully terminated, our attorneys are here to help. Call us today at 213-465-4802 to find out how we can help!...