Attorney Portrait

What Are the Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protection Programs?

The Dodd-Frank Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) are two keystone financial regulation laws. Congress passed the two laws in the early 21st century to combat corporate fraud and improve transparency and accountability in the U.S. financial system. To help accomplish these goals, Congress included whistleblower protections in both...

Attorney Portrait

What Do You Need to Prove A Qui Tam Case?

Whistleblowers play a vital part in ensuring our world is fairer and more just. Because of their valuable service to society, several laws protect whistleblowers against retaliation, and some laws even reward them for their bravery. One of the oldest and most important whistleblower acts is the False Claims...

Attorney Portrait

What Is the Average Settlement for Age Discrimination Lawsuits in California?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been discriminated against, our attorneys are here to help. Call us today at 213-465-4802! If your employer mistreats you because you are 40 years old or older, that is unlawful...

Attorney Portrait

Employee Termination To Deprive Stock

Many employees know that their employer cannot fire them to avoid paying them their earned wages. What many employees may not know is that stock—whether vested or not—qualifies as wages under the right conditions. This means that if your employer fires you shortly before or after a vesting event...

Equal Pay Attorneys Take on Wage Inequality in Women’s Sports

Female athletes work just as hard as male athletes and have reached the pinnacle of success in their fields. Like women in many other fields, women in athletics often find that their work is devalued and they are paid less than their male peers. (Salary secrecy is one way...

Attorney Portrait

How to Write a Sexual Harassment Complaint Letter

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been sexually harassed at work, we are here to help. Call us today at 213-465-4802! To give yourself the best chance to adequately resolve workplace sexual harassment, you need to...

Attorney Portrait

Do Nurses Have Whistleblower Protection?

Nurses are the backbone of the American healthcare system. They work on the front lines of patient care daily. Unfortunately, this also puts nurses on the front lines of demotion, harassment, or other consequences for reporting wrongdoing, blowing the whistle on unsafe conditions, and standing up for patients. As...

Attorney Portrait

Where Does Someone Initially File an Employment Discrimination Complaint?

Your employer needs to ensure your safety at work in specific ways. This includes making sure that your workplace is free from unlawful discrimination. If your employer has failed to protect you from discrimination, you can easily feel lost and vulnerable. Fortunately, federal and state laws give you the...

Attorney Portrait

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment: Common Examples

You have a legal right to a workplace free of sexual harassment. Workplace sexual harassment is illegal under both federal and state law. If you experienced sexual harassment in the workplace in California, you might be entitled to compensation under the state’s Fair Employment and House Act (FEHA). Read...

Attorney Portrait

Is Sexual Harassment a Form of Discrimination?

Is sexual harassment a form of discrimination? Yes, and it is illegal. Sexual harassment is a nefarious and pervasive form of sex discrimination that has plagued this nation for decades. And since the #metoo movement took off in 2018, the federal government has seen a spike in workplace sexual...