Attorney Portrait

Workers’ Rights in the Age of Coronavirus Quarantines

The coronavirus outbreak has changed the employment landscape. Workers face new problems dangerous to their personal health like being asked to report to work in violation of a stay-at-home or shelter-in-place order; being asked to work in close proximity with other workers in violation of social distancing recommendations or...

Attorney Portrait

Your Right to Reimbursement for Work Use of Cell Phones & Other Personal Devices

Many employees do not realize that if they are required to use personal devices, including cellphones and laptops, for work-related tasks, they are entitled to be paid or reimbursed for their use of personal devices for the benefit of their employer.   Indeed, if your employer requires that you check...

Attorney Portrait
Attorney Portrait

Can Your Employer Require Tip Pooling?

Tip pools are common in the services industries, including among restaurant, car wash, spa, salon, casino, and other employees. Although some tip pools are legal, many are not. Watch out for these common pitfalls in employer-mandated tip pools. What is a Tip Pool? A tip pool is a policy...