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Los Angeles Whistleblower Lawyers

whistle blower attorneys in Los Angeles

Employee whistleblowers have access to inside information and are essential to exposing corporate America’s unlawful and unethical activity.

Those who speak up against illegal conduct deserve respect and admiration. Sometimes, employers welcome internal whistleblowing and genuinely hope to correct inadvertent or intentional wrongdoing. 

Unfortunately, many other employers treat whistleblowers as a threat, and whistleblowers face threats, punishment, and other forms of backlash for their actions.

When employers retaliate against employees who report illegal activity, they break the law all over again. Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation under numerous federal and state laws. 

If you were fired or faced other adverse treatment at work after you reported wrongdoing, contact a whistleblower retaliation attorney immediately. The support of an experienced legal team is essential in these complicated, fact-intensive, and high-stakes matters.

Standing up against wrongdoing can feel daunting, but you don't have to do it alone. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected and your voice is heard. GET HELP HERE

Strategic Guidance for Employment Lawsuits in Whistleblowing Cases

When it comes to employment whistleblowing cases, the stakes can be high and the challenges manifold. The best way to protect your rights is to work with an employment law firm with specialized whistleblowing experience, an understanding of whistleblowing laws and regulations, and a commitment to safeguarding your interests.

At King and Siegel LLP, our Los Angeles whistleblower lawyers embody these attributes and offer services tailored to your unique legal needs. We’ve won over $45 million in settlements and verdicts and will do everything we can to make your experience as stress-free as possible. If you have a whistleblowing case, the following are a few skills and services our Los Angeles whistleblower lawyers offer: 

  • Personalized client focus. You will never be just another case number; you are an individual dealing with a challenging situation deserving of high-quality legal representation.
  • Comprehensive case evaluation. Our advocates will help determine your case’s viability. This involves thoroughly examining each situation, the available evidence, and all applicable laws.
  • A multifaceted approach to resolution. We adopt a versatile approach to problem-solving. Whether through mediation, direct negotiation, or litigation, we can resolve your case effectively by assessing your situation’s unique merits before deciding which approach will provide the best results.
  • Skilled negotiators. We have the expertise to secure your rights and negotiate fair treatment, fair compensation, and if need be, a fair workplace departure.
  • Future employment concerns support. We can assist with future employment considerations such as professional references and the terms under which you and your employer part ways. We aim to ensure that your case has the least negative impact on your future career prospects.

King and Siegel LLP offers expertise, comprehensive service, and personalized care, making us an excellent choice for whistleblower representation.

Understanding Whistleblower Cases

Employees who “blow the whistle” on illegal activity do a service by bringing misconduct to the government’s attention.

While the government is primarily responsible for enforcing the law, regulatory and law enforcement officials are not in the best position to identify fraud, tax evasion, and other white collar crime within a company.

They do not have direct access to books and records and employers rarely self-report misconduct. Often, businesses intentionally keep these activities “behind closed doors,” making it difficult for the government to detect criminal law and regulatory violations. 

Employee whistleblowers who raise concerns about an employer’s illegal conduct have special rights and protections under the state and federal laws, including:

  • The Whistleblower Protection Act,
  • The False Claims Act,
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Act,
  • The National Labor Relations Act, and
  • The California Labor Code.

Whether you stand up for your right to legal wages or working conditions or call attention to illegal conduct by your company or co-workers, you are protected from employer retaliation.

Often, employers terminate or otherwise discipline whistleblowers for being “troublemakers” or for other pretextual reasons. This is illegal, and our experienced Los Angeles whistleblower protection attorneys can help you assert your rights.

If your co-workers or supervisors are engaging in illegal conduct, or your employer retaliated against you for raising compliance concerns, know that you are not alone. Illegal conduct at work is extremely common.

In 2022, the California State Auditor’s Office logged 1,075 whistleblower allegations, covering everything from the misuse of state funds to time and attendance abuses.

The ensuing investigations revealed $585 million in improper spending. Imagine how much less fraud there would be if everyone who knew of it spoke up.

While Congress designed the Whistleblower Protection Act to safeguard employees, it can only do this if the law is appropriately upheld. Thankfully, you can rely on our dedicated Los Angeles whistleblower attorneys at King & Siegel LLP to provide true protection for workers. Do not fear harassment or retaliation when we are ready to fight aggressively for you.

Contact us now at (213) 465-4802 when you have questions, and our dependable team of employment lawyers can give you the answers you need.

Am I a Whistleblower?

A whistleblower is someone who learns of illegal activity and reports it, either internally or to government agencies. Your employer does not need to be the one perpetrating the illegal conduct. For instance, you could learn that a client or subcontractor is committing fraud and suffer retaliation for reporting it. You would be a whistleblower in this situation.

The law has protected whistleblowers for hundreds of years. In California, a number of laws protect whistleblowers. Our top Los Angeles whistleblower attorneys can help you determine if you are a whistleblower. We encourage you to contact us for a free case review if you would like to talk through your situation and better understand your rights.

Types of Whistleblower Cases

Whistleblowers report a wide variety of misconduct, so many types of whistleblower cases exist. Here are some of the types of cases a Los Angeles whistleblower retaliation attorney handles.

Data Privacy & Security Whistleblowers

As regulators catch up to the new data-driven economy, an increasing number of laws govern personal data collected or maintained by tech companies, health insurers, financial services firms, and government contractors. Companies can be slow to come into compliance with these rules, and well-intentioned employees often meet internal resistance for explaining that their employer is breaking the law.

While the California Consumer Privacy Act does not contain any specific whistleblower protections (industry lobbyists struck attempts to include such provisions), existing law protects employees who complain about illegal conduct at work. If your employer retaliates against you for challenging data privacy or security practices, you may have a claim for wrongful demotion or wrongful termination in violation of public policy.

Insurance Fraud Whistleblowers

Fraud against private insurance companies is bad for everyone: it increases premiums and allows wrongdoers to profit from their intentional misconduct. California has enacted a special whistleblower protection law to address this problem. This law also prohibits retaliation by employers whose employees complain of insurance fraud violations.

California’s insurance fraud law provides treble damages and additional penalties. Eligible whistleblowers can receive a percentage of the overall amount recovered by the government.

Fraud under the California insurance fraud law includes:

  • Falsely inflating the amount of a loss,
  • Submitting fake bills for services not actually performed,
  • Paying kickbacks to doctors in exchange for referrals or prescribing certain drugs, and
  • Failing to disclose information that would make the loss ineligible for coverage.

Under this law, whistleblowers file a sealed complaint in court and provide the complaint to the relevant regulators. Government prosecutors can then choose to intervene and prosecute the case. If they do, the whistleblower usually receives around 30% of the amount recovered. If the government does not intervene, the whistleblower usually keeps between 40 and 50% of the recovery.

Tax Whistleblowers

Employees in finance and accounting often learn that their employer is committing tax fraud. The federal Tax Relief and Health Care Act provides whistleblower rewards to those who report tax fraud where the amount in dispute exceeds $2 million. The IRS has paid over $500 million in whistleblower rewards under this program.

Medicare Whistleblowers

Medicare whistleblowers usually work in health care and include doctors, nurses, CNS, other nursing home or senior care center staff, hospice workers, billing clerks, pharmaceutical employees, and other healthcare professionals and workers in allied health fields. Medicare whistleblowers report a variety of illegal conduct, including:

  • Billing for services that were never provided,
  • “Upcoding” or charging for more expensive services instead of the less expensive services that were actually provided,
  • Prescribing unnecessary services just to bill for them,
  • Marketing drugs for “off-label” uses by pharmaceutical companies, and
  • Paying kickbacks to doctors and other medical professionals for referring clients or prescribing certain drugs or services.

Medicare whistleblowers typically bring claims under the federal False Claims Act, the most successful government whistleblower program of our time. Under the False Claims Act, the government has recovered over $38 billion of taxpayer money that was lost to fraud. Whistleblowers may be entitled to 15-30% of the government’s recovery.

Government Contractor Whistleblowers

State and federal agencies dole out billions of dollars of contracts each year based on information submitted in bid proposals by government contractors. These contractors provide services ranging from manufacturing and distributing military equipment and food services for military or other government projects to manufacturing and distributing medication under government healthcare programs. Government contractors defraud the government and taxpayers by doing any of the following:

  • Providing substandard services or services other than those contracted for during the bid process,
  • Failing to disclose illegal bribes during the bidding or contract administration process,
  • Failing to disclose illegal kickbacks paid to subcontractors or other market participants,
  • “Padding” bills or charging for more expensive services instead of less expensive services actually rendered,
  • Submitting false or forged certifications,
  • Submitting knowingly inflated or false bills for services to the government, and
  • Any other knowingly false or fraudulent practices intended to defraud the government.

Whistleblowers are entitled to reinstatement to their position (if they were demoted, suspended, terminated, etc. for whistleblowing), double back pay, interest, compensatory damages, and attorneys’ fees and costs. They may also have claims under the False Claims Act and be entitled to a whistleblower reward based on their report of illegal conduct.

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Whistleblowers

An SEC whistleblower reports violations of federal securities laws such as fraud, insider trading, market manipulation, and violations of disclosure requirements to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Established by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) in 2010, the SEC Whistleblower Program provides monetary incentives and employment protections to individuals who provide credible information leading to successful enforcement actions. 

For example, whistleblowers may be eligible for a reward if their information leads to a successful enforcement action resulting in monetary sanctions exceeding $1 million. The whistleblower can receive between 10% and 30% of the money collected, depending on factors such as the quality of the information provided and the degree to which the whistleblower assists the investigation. SEC whistleblowers can remain anonymous when filing a report, although they must be represented by legal counsel to do so. This provision helps reduce fear of retaliation. 

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Whistleblowers

 An FCPA whistleblower reports violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) to relevant authorities, most commonly the SEC. The FCPA is a U.S. federal law enacted in 1977 that prohibits companies and their subsidiaries from bribing foreign officials to gain or retain business. It also mandates accurate record-keeping and financial reporting by companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges. 

FCPA whistleblowers typically report activities like bribery of foreign officials, fraudulent accounting, and other corrupt practices intended to gain unfair business advantages in foreign markets. Like SEC whistleblowers under the Dodd-Frank Act, FCPA whistleblowers may be eligible for monetary rewards if their information leads to successful enforcement actions with sanctions exceeding $1 million. 

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Whistleblowers

A CFTC whistleblower reports violations of the Commodity Exchange Act to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the federal agency responsible for regulating the U.S. derivatives markets, including futures, options, and swaps. Whistleblowers can report a wide array of misconduct, including fraud, manipulation of markets, and insider trading. The CFTC Whistleblower Program was created under the Dodd-Frank Act, paralleling similar programs at the SEC. 

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Unsafe Conditions Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers can ensure that workplaces adhere to mandated safety and health standards. They report unsafe or unhealthy working conditions or workplace safety law violations to their employer or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These conditions often relate to issues like hazardous materials, unsafe machinery, lack of proper safety equipment, violations of health codes, or other violations of federal or state occupational safety and health laws that can endanger employees’ well-being. 

Labor Code Violations & Other Illegal Conduct Whistleblowers

Beyond the specific examples listed above, employees may blow the whistle on other incidents or activities in the workplace that violate any federal or state law. This could include:

  • Failure to pay overtime,
  • Misclassification of employees as independent contractors,
  • Illegal discrimination against protected groups,
  • Sexual or other illegal harassment,
  • Unlawfully denying pregnancy accommodations,
  • Denying mandatory paid sick leave,
  • Unauthorized wage deductions, 
  • Preventing union activities, and
  • Falsifying payroll or timekeeping records.

Under California Labor Code § 1102.5, employees receive legal protections for reporting conduct they reasonably believe to be unlawful to others at the company (for instance, for complaining to Human Resources or calling a whistleblower hotline) or to a government agency. 

California’s whistleblower laws also include protections for employees who refuse to participate in illegal conduct. 

What Whistleblower Retaliation Looks Like

In California, whistleblower retaliation is illegal. Retaliation refers to any adverse action taken against an employee who blows the whistle on workplace wrongdoing. Some of the most common forms of whistleblower retaliation include:

  • Termination,
  • Pay decreases,
  • Removal of seniority,
  • Threats to report a worker or their family members to immigration authorities,
  • Denying an employee access to training opportunities, and
  • Denying workers access to the resources they need to effectively do their job.  

This is not an exhaustive list. Many different types of disciplinary or adverse employment actions can qualify as illegal retaliation when they’re aimed at punishing an employee for whistleblowing. 

Be aware: neither state nor federal law prohibits an employer from taking any of these actions if their reason for doing so is unrelated to the employee’s whistleblowing.

Understanding Employer Pretexts for Whistleblower Retaliation

Many employers are aware that it’s illegal to punish an employee who reports wrongdoing. As a result, employers typically try to conceal whistleblower retaliation by coming up with pretextual reasons for their personnel actions. A pretext is a false but legal reason an employer uses to justify an adverse action, e.g., firing, demotion, poor performance reviews, etc. Here are some common warning signs your employer is using a pretext to mask illegal retaliation:

  • You receive negative performance reviews without evidence of poor performance;
  • Layoffs or restructuring affect only you and not others in equivalent roles; and
  • An employer uses lateness or minor violations of company policy to justify unusually harsh punishments.

Whistleblower retaliation is illegal, pretext or not. However, if your employer tries to justify your treatment with a pretextual rationale, it’s crucial to have skilled legal support behind you. An employer’s pretext doesn’t justify their actions, but it can make it more challenging to prove retaliation. A whistleblower retaliation lawyer is essential for gathering the evidence needed to disprove a pretext and uncover their illegal action. 

What Should I Do If I Think I Have a Claim?

If you believe that you have information that supports a whistleblower case, it is important that you approach your case carefully and strategically.

  • Keep records – Keep documentation of the wrongdoing, including notes from conversations, meetings, and other important documents.
  • Report your concerns – Report violations according to your company policy, and be sure to follow the procedures outlined by your employer.
  • Call an attorney – act quickly and contact a Los Angeles whistleblower lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney can advise you on how to proceed and how to conduct yourself during the investigation in order to protect your interests.

An employment law attorney at King & Siegel LLP can help protect your rights and ensure you collect all pertinent information and documents while navigating the reporting process. Contact us and let us explain how we can help you.

How Can a Whistleblower Attorney Help?

Whistleblower cases involve a variety of complicated issues that make it best to consult with an attorney early on. An experienced Los Angeles whistleblower rights attorney can help you understand how to collect documents to prove illegal conduct and how to present your information to law enforcement. They can also represent you in interviews with government agencies. These decisions can be stressful on your own, and an experienced attorney can alleviate the uncertainty by providing guidance through these complexities.

A lawyer will also help you understand the law governing your employer’s illegal activity. They will investigate and determine whether your complaints are “protected,” meaning whether there is a reasonable likelihood your employer is breaking the law or whether you made your complaint in good faith.

A lawyer will also help you initiate your claim with the appropriate agencies and represent you in any government proceedings. We do everything we can to help our clients maximize the value of their claims. And if you are still employed while making complaints, we can help protect you from retaliation.

Experienced, Highly Qualified Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorneys

Whistleblower cases can be complicated. Many cases involve showing that (1) your allegations of illegal conduct were “reasonable” and (2) your employer took an “adverse employment action”—that you suffered some tangible employment consequence, like a demotion, reduced hours, diminished responsibility, a pay cut, or termination. Many employment attorneys lack experience diving into the nitty-gritty of your employer’s business to prove that your employer was breaking the law.

At King & Siegel LLP, we stand with you and are prepared to take proactive measures on your behalf. When it comes to whistleblowing matters, a King & Siegel LLP whistleblower lawyer in Los Angeles can:

  • Assess the strength of your case under relevant state and federal whistleblower legislation and other local and federal regulations that guard against employer reprisals for workers who reveal breaches of safety guidelines, misuse of taxpayer money, or other illicit conduct;
  • Help amicably resolve your case without resorting to court proceedings through methods like mediation or negotiation when possible;
  • Initiate legal action on your behalf if necessary;
  • Initiate a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act if you possess proof that your employer defrauded the U.S. government;
  • Evaluate a just severance or settlement package related to your case; and
  • Discuss future employment prospects.

Our employment law legal team is especially well qualified to take on challenging and complicated whistleblower cases. The attorneys who lead our whistleblower practice previously litigated white-collar crime and other complex financial and regulatory cases and are well-versed in accounting, regulatory compliance, and government enforcement agencies. We have experience helping clients make protected reports, walking you through preserving important documents without risking liability to yourself, and litigating and resolving claims in court, arbitration, and government agency forums.

Our Los Angeles whistleblower lawyers have worked on whistleblower and False Claims Act cases against some of the biggest government contractors and private companies. We are passionate about representing whistleblowers; it is an honor to represent workers brave enough to resist a culture of misconduct and do the right thing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Constitutes “Whistleblowing”?

While the government is primarily responsible for enforcing the law, regulatory and law enforcement officials are not in the best position to identify fraud, employment violations, and other unlawful conduct within a company. Often, businesses intentionally keep these activities “behind closed doors,” making it difficult for the government to detect criminal law and regulatory violations. 

Whistleblowing refers to an employee bringing an employer’s illegal conduct to the attention of authorities responsible for enforcing the law. Once an employee blows the whistle, state or federal government authorities review the case to determine if they want to intervene. However, even if the government does not intervene, an employee can proceed with the case independently.

Employees can report almost any type of illegal activity. For example, the following are all types of whistleblower claims:

  • Data privacy and security violations,
  • Employment law violations,
  • Government contractor violations,
  • Insurance fraud violations,
  • Medicare fraud and waste, and
  • Tax evasion.

If you believe that your employer violated the law, the Los Angeles whistleblower lawyers at King & Sigel LLP can explain your options and help you bring the illegal conduct to light.

Is Whistleblowing a Crime?

No. Whistleblowers play an important role in preventing others from committing crimes and engaging in unlawful activity. In fact, employees who report an employer’s illegal activity enjoy protection under state and federal law. Also, whistleblowers who bring claims that ultimately end in the government recovering damages are entitled to a percentage of the recovered amount.

How Are Whistleblowers Protected?

Both state and federal laws protect whistleblowers who bring a claim in good faith. Both California and federal law have a Whistleblower Protection Act, plus additional laws that safeguard employees from negative consequences after speaking out about workplace wrongdoing. Under these protections, employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees who:

  • Report suspected illegal activity (internally or externally),
  • Blew the whistle in a previous job,
  • Refuse to break the law, or
  • Participate in investigations into workplace wrongdoing.

It’s also illegal for employers to create policies or rules that discourage employees from speaking out about perceived wrongdoing. Employers who violate these protections can face serious legal and financial consequences. 

Is There a Deadline for Taking Action in a Whistleblower Retaliation Claim?

Yes, employee whistleblowers have a deadline for taking legal action against an employer. Each federal and state whistleblower protection law has its own statute of limitations, or deadline, for an employee to file a claim. The length of the statute of limitations can vary depending on the specific law. For example, employees who face employer backlash for reporting OSHA violations may have as few as 30 days to file a retaliation claim. However, Los Angeles employees who suffer retaliation for reporting violations of California Labor Code generally have up to a year to file their complaint.

If you wait too long to take action after an act of retaliation and miss the statute of limitations, you can lose your chance to exercise your rights and hold your employer accountable for their wrongdoing. That’s why it’s critical to get in touch with a qualified whistleblower retaliation attorney as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can evaluate your case, identify which federal and state laws apply, and ensure you’re informed about your options well ahead of the legal deadline.

Am I Protected If I Was Wrong About My Employer Breaking the Law?

Yes, you can still receive protection from whistleblower retaliation even if your employer did not ultimately violate the law. California’s whistleblower protection law doesn’t require employees to prove with 100% certainty that illegal activity occurred when they report it. As long as someone has a reasonable belief that misconduct occurred, they are protected from employer retaliation.

Skilled Protection Against Retaliation

If you have taken the courageous act of standing up for justice, then you deserve justice yourself. When your employer has discovered you are a whistleblower against their corruption, you do not need to fear their retaliation, so long as you have our dependable Los Angeles whistleblower lawyers near.

Our experienced legal team also handles other types of employment law cases, including cases surrounding:

If you are experiencing whistleblower retaliation or have witnessed unfair practices at work, call King & Siegel LLP now for a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your case and options! We work on a contingency basis, which means you don’t pay us unless you win.

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