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Have You Been Wrongfully Terminated?

California is an at-will employment state, meaning an employer has the right to terminate the employment of any worker for no reason or without notice. But at-will employment doesn’t mean your employer can fire you for illegal reasons. What Are Unlawful Grounds for Termination? Discrimination One of the most...

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The Pandemic Has Hurt Working Women Most. What Will Congress Do About It?

At the end of 2019, women held over half of all jobs on payroll for only the second year in history. Because of the pandemic, weak family leave policies, and a lack of affordable childcare, this milestone was short-lived. By mid-2020, millions of American women had lost their jobs,...

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Can I take Time Off Of Work To Attend A Drug Or Alcohol Rehabilitation Program?

Thankfully, yes. Millions of hard-working Americans suffer from the disease of alcoholism and/or drug addiction. The California Legislature recognizes this and has specifically passed laws to allow employees to take time off to voluntarily enter a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program. This article will discuss both of them. The...

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Things You Need to Know About Age Discrimination Against Older Women

The following post was updated on Jan 18th, 2023. Unfortunately, layoffs becoming common in this economic climate, and have been used as an excuse to discriminate against employees that the employer wants to “get rid of” for other reasons. Often, these employees are older workers, who face significant bias...

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Attorney Portrait

How Do I Report Unfair Treatment In the Workplace?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been discriminated against, retaliated against, denied your rightful wages, or wrongfully terminated, our Los Angeles employment lawyers are here to help. Call us today at 213-465-4802 to find out how...

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The 8 Most Common Forms of Workplace Discrimination

California and United States law protect employees from workplace activities that mistreat them based on the following: Age (for those 40 and older), Ancestry, Color, Disability,  Gender identity or expression, Genetic information, Marital status, Military status,  National origin,  Race, Religion,  Sex, and Sexual orientation. And even though discrimination in...

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Can My Employer Fire Me While I’m Pregnant?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been wrongfully terminated while pregnant, we are here for you. Call our Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination attorneys today at 213-465-4802 to find out how we can help! Pregnant women who...

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Attorney Portrait

Here We Go Again – School Closings in the Age of Coronavirus

Just this week, the limited Los Angeles schools that had been providing in-person education, primarily to special needs students in small group settings, were ordered to return to a fully virtual model. Orange County schools affected by fires have also transitioned temporarily to remote-only learning. Even parents with the...