Attorney Portrait

Las 8 formas más comunes de discriminación en el lugar de trabajo

Aunque la discriminación en el lugar de trabajo ha sido ilegal durante décadas, sigue sucediendo. La única manera de detener la discriminación en el lugar de trabajo es hablar sobre estos incidentes, llevar demandas judiciales y dar luz a las prácticas discriminatorias. A la mayoría de las empresas les...

Attorney Portrait

¿Cuáles son los sistemas de puntos para la asistencia al trabajo, y son legales?

Muchos empleadores han implementado las llamadas políticas de asistencia “sin culpa” que cuentan todas las ausencias—independientemente de la razón—contra los empleados, con un número específico de ausencias que conducen a la disciplina o incluso a la terminación. Estas políticas a veces se llaman las políticas razonables de asistencia. Si...

Attorney Portrait

¿Cuál es el salario mínimo de California?

Bajo la ley estatal y federal, la mayoría de los trabajadores deben recibir un salario mínimo por todas las horas trabajadas. California ha aprobado uno de los salarios mínimos más altos del país, que finalmente llegará a $15 por hora para la mayoría de los empleados del Estado. El...

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Attorney Portrait

What Happens When You Run Out of FMLA Leave?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been denied sick leave or wrongfully terminated in violation of the paid sick leave laws, the FMLA, the CFRA, or other anti-discrimination laws, our attorneys are here to help. Call 213-465-4802 today!...

Attorney Portrait

What Employees Need to Know About Arbitration Agreements

One of the questions most plaintiff-side employment attorneys will ask during the intake process is, “Did you sign an arbitration clause?” But while lawyers are quick to ask about arbitration agreements, many employees do not understand what an arbitration agreements mean and how they might affect their rights. Here’s...

Attorney Portrait

Can Employers Require COVID-19 Vaccination?

Can Employers Require COVID-19 Vaccination? Whether employers can require employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination is governed by state and federal laws protecting disabled employees. In California, employers can generally require employees to receive an FDA-approved vaccination in order to return to the workplace. California’s Department of Fair Employment...

Attorney Portrait

Are You Working in a Toxic Work Environment?

Employers have a duty to prevent and remedy toxic work environments, which are workplaces where harassment and inappropriate behavior run rampant, distracting victims from doing their jobs. What is an Illegal Toxic Work Environment? There is no legal claim for “toxic” work environments. However, state and federal law prohibit...

Attorney Portrait

What Counts as Discrimination in the Workplace?

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits workplace discrimination or harassment based on actual or perceived ancestry, age (40+), color, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, race, religion, sex/gender, and sexual orientation. Most people know that blatant...

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Is Sexual Harassment Outside of Work Still Illegal?

Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act makes it illegal for employers to fail to prevent or remediate work-related sexual harassment regardless of where the harassment occurs. That means you may report coworkers’ sexual harassment that occurs inside...