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SEC Issues New Rules for Whistleblower Awards

This fall, the Securities and Exchange Commission revamped its whistleblower awards program for the first time in 10 years. Those reforms — touching on who is eligible to receive an award for bringing tips to the agency; how large the award might be; and the actual process to submit...

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The 8 Most Common Forms of Workplace Discrimination

California and United States law protect employees from workplace activities that mistreat them based on the following: Age (for those 40 and older), Ancestry, Color, Disability,  Gender identity or expression, Genetic information, Marital status, Military status,  National origin,  Race, Religion,  Sex, and Sexual orientation. And even though discrimination in...

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How Do I Report Unfair Treatment In the Workplace?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been discriminated against, retaliated against, denied your rightful wages, or wrongfully terminated, our Los Angeles employment lawyers are here to help. Call us today at 213-465-4802 to find out how...

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Attorney Portrait

Can You Be Fired for Discussing Your Salary?

There is still a gender wage gap in America. On average, women earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. The wage gap also extends across racial groups, with African-American men earning about 87 cents and Hispanic men earning 91 cents for every dollar earned by white men....

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What is California’s Minimum Wage?

Under state and federal law, most workers must be paid a minimum wage for all hours worked. California has enacted one of the country’s highest minimum wages, which will eventually hit $15.50 an hour for the State’s employees. The minimum wage applies to temporary workers as well as workers who are...

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Do I Have a Right to Paid Sick Leave?

With the COVID-19 virus still ravaging our communities, the issue of employment sick leave takes on even greater importance for employees, who face a daily struggle with the virus and other health issues. We previously posted about COVID-19-related employment issues; this post discusses sick leave more generally, but is...

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SEC Whistleblower Awarded More Than $1.6 Million

On December 22, 2020, the SEC awarded a whistleblower more than $1.6 million for providing a tip which directly led to a successful enforcement action. Whistleblowers Are Key to Fighting Corporate Fraud The whistleblower produced crucial information and personal knowledge about an ongoing fraudulent scheme, while offering extensive assistance...

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Can My Employer Fire Me While I’m Pregnant?

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you have been wrongfully terminated while pregnant, we are here for you. Call our Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination attorneys today at 213-465-4802 to find out how we can help! Pregnant women who...

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An Update on Pregnancy and the FFCRA

Last week, we blogged about a question we’ve been getting a lot during the pandemic: do I have rights as a pregnant mother under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)? The answer was complicated because the law doesn’t apply to many (even most) employers and pregnancy per se doesn’t...