Attorney Portrait

Employee Termination To Deprive Stock

Many employees know that their employer cannot fire them to avoid paying them their earned wages. What many employees may not know is that stock—whether vested or not—qualifies as wages under the right conditions. This means that if your employer fires you shortly before or after a vesting event...

Attorney Portrait

Where Does Someone Initially File an Employment Discrimination Complaint?

Your employer needs to ensure your safety at work in specific ways. This includes making sure that your workplace is free from unlawful discrimination. If your employer has failed to protect you from discrimination, you can easily feel lost and vulnerable. Fortunately, federal and state laws give you the...

Attorney Portrait

A Primer on the Civil Litigation Process for Employment Plaintiffs

On TV, a case may be resolved in a single episode. People have their day in court just hours or even minutes after the case is filed. Unfortunately, this is not realistic. The real legal system is sometimes disorganized and involves backed-up court systems (especially because of COVID, which...

Attorney Portrait

How to Choose an Employment Attorney

You may have been harassed, wrongfully fired, or otherwise mistreated by your employer. Your finances may be in disarray, and your mental health may have deteriorated. All you want is a calm, confident, winning attorney to take your employment law case—but when you Google “employment law attorneys,” all you...

Attorney Portrait

How Do Employment Lawyers Decide to Take a Case?

Many employment lawyers in Los Angeles will offer a free case review or consultation before deciding whether to take a case. This is because most lawyers represent plaintiffs on a contingency basis, meaning they invest time—sometimes hundreds or thousands of hours over the course of multiple years—in a case...

Attorney Portrait

What Counts as Discrimination in the Workplace?

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits workplace discrimination or harassment based on actual or perceived ancestry, age (40+), color, disability, genetic information, gender identity or expression, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, race, religion, sex/gender, and sexual orientation. Most people know that blatant...

Attorney Portrait

Do Temporary Employees Have Rights?

We often hear from temporary workers who believe they have fewer rights because they are hired indirectly through an agency. Fortunately, this is wrong. Temporary workers are generally entitled to the same legal protections as other workers, including the right to fair wages and overtime pay, and protection from...

Attorney Portrait

What is a “Protected Class” in California?

The concept of a “protected class” is the foundation of American discrimination law. The same misconduct may be legal or illegal based on whether or not it is motivated by its victim’s membership in a “protected class.” In the employment context, the concept of protected classes determines whether a termination...

Attorney Portrait

What is the Difference Between Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation?

In conversation, people use the terms “discrimination,” “harassment,” and “retaliation” interchangeably to mean unfair and possibly illegal treatment at work. But each of these terms has a distinct legal meaning. If you’re talking to an employment lawyer, or even asserting your rights at work on your own, it is...

Attorney Portrait

What You Need to Know About At-Will Employment & Wrongful Termination

At King & Siegel LLP, we have helped hundreds of workers hold employers accountable through legal actions. If you think you were wrongfully terminated, we are here for you. Call us today at 213-465-4802 to find out how we can help! What exactly does it mean to be fired with...